The Benefit of Frequent Nianfo (Amitabha Recitation)

Nianfo, care nothing at all. Focus single-mindedly only to recitation.

The recitation of Namo Amitoufo (or Nianfo), Amitabha Buddha will safeguard the reciter on the top of one’s head and emit His light for protection. People who feel a sense of chaos or confusion would experience a stabilized calmness afterward. There is a warming peaceful harmonious body and soul tranquility throughout the whole being.

If one’s karmic retribution shows up, one definitely will experience a state of confusion and often encounter bad luck. Nianfo enables the focus of the mind, eradicates karmic offenses, and increases blessings also wisdom. In transformation, good luck will arrive at the footsteps to help your wishes come true. 

Namo Amitoufo’s six-character is a powerful fortunate positive energetic great name of the Buddha. It could abolish evil calamity and negative matters. Generating the magnetic field of illuminating light, warmth, gentle harmony, peace, and joy. 

Reciting Namo Amitoufo draws in the blessings to the mind and soul. Further, it brings in the flows of luck and fortune. Most directly, nianfo brings forth tranquility in feeling great satisfaction and a sense of abundance. Regardless of being wealthy in possessions or the poorest of the poor, the first request is to have the greatest satisfaction. When the heart and soul are completely satisfied, it is the true happiness and joy. 

Reciting Namo Amitoufo will broaden the magnanimity. The opening one’s heart and soul, the sense of compassion, and love will lead to embracing the differences in people’s opinions and ideas. The one who embraces the differences in people’s opinions and ideas is capable of great achievement. Because of embracing the differences in people’s opinions and ideas that would also require the ability in good human relations. Even this person does not have any desire to achieve, he will be influenced by the environment and the good human relations to step up for the great calling. 

When encounter challenging difficulties, nianfo could help to ride through the waves of adversity. Easy practice brings effective results. The spiritual responses are incomprehensible. Only those who are on the recipient end could understand. Please cherish in being moved deeply and in heartfelt gratitude. 

Namo Amitoufo the six great characters is the shortest verse, yet the most deeply profound wondrous teaching and function of the Mahayana doctrine in Buddhist teaching. Only the six characters, it condenses the essence in meanings of sutras, encompasses completely the principles of dharma teachings, and expresses the applicational function of the schools in the entire era. 

Reciting Namo Amitoufo in this lifetime the natural phenomena are to gain blessing and wisdom. Leading to the next lifetime, the attainment of Buddhahood is assured. It is in truth the core nature of the Mahayana teachings and the heart essence of all Buddha dharma. 

Link to the Chinese version: 常念佛的好處