The Meaning of the Name of Six Characters

Good evening! Every dharma learning friend who is listening to the radio, Amituofo!

I am very happy to meet you again on the air. Today we will continue to discuss yesterday’s topic. As we discussed yesterday, if one has a deep feeling of impermanence, even if no one encourages or urges him, he will spontaneously seek liberation, study Buddhism, and recite the Buddha’s Name. Tonight, we continue to explain the meaning of “Namo Amituofo”.

The Meaning of Namo Amituofo

This time when I came from Taiwan, I brought with me 80 to 90 laminated Buddha Cards. The Buddha Cards are printed with Amitabha Buddha’s picture. The cards have a size of 14.8 X 21 cm, the size of a regular book. Two versions with the Buddha’s different postures are printed on the Buddha Cards. Both are splendid. The sight of it arises in us the feeling of respect and joy. Each card has words printed on the back. One explains the meaning of “Namo Amituofo”, the name of six characters, along with my compilation based on the sutras and lineage of the patriarchs while referencing dictionaries. The other one contains the Dharma sayings from Master Shandao that explains the auspicious benefits of Nianfo. 

What I’d like to talk about today is to explain the meaning of the six characters “Namo Amituofo” on the Buddha Cards. The words on Buddha Cards are very simple and clear, straight to the point, and easy to understand. Let me first read these words once, section by section, and then explain their meaning. If after you have heard these and like to review them, you can ask the host of the program, Householder Li Rong Huang, for a Buddha Card. (The text on the card reads as follows:)

“Namo Amituofo” is a transliteration from Sanskrit to Chinese. It consists of “Namo”, “Amituo”, and “Fo” three phrases. So “Amituofo” means Amitabha Buddha.

“Namo” means taking refuge, and having faith and acceptance. It eliminates all doubts, a complete state of subservience to and acceptance of deliverance by Amitabha.

“Amituo” means infinite. Meaning this Buddha has infinite power of merit. (p. 16) The word also represents infinite life and light. Therefore, Amitabha Buddha is also called “Infinite Life Buddha” or “Infinite Light Buddha”.

Fo” means “The Enlightened One”. A Buddha who can enlighten himself and others.

The lifespan of Amitabha Buddha is infinite, it has no limit. On the dimension of time, He can deliver any sentient being from any era. The auspicious light of Amitabha Buddha is infinite, it has no limitation. Its illumination covers countless worlds in the universe. On the dimension of space, He can deliver any sentient being from any of the directions.

Amitabha Buddha is the creator of the Western Land of Bliss. He made vows to deliver all sentient beings. The distinctive characteristics of the Buddha’s deliverance for all sentient beings are: (1) He takes the initiative, we don’t need to ask for it; (2) Everyone is treated equally without discrimination. Whether we are monastics or laymen, good or evil. (3) It is absolutely unconditional. Anyone who believes in the Buddha’s deliverance; who dedicates themselves to reciting Amitabha’s name; who aspires to be reborn in the Buddha’s Pure Land, would have the status of assurance of being reborn in the Pure Land. 

“Namo” refers to the conviction in taking refuge in Amitabha’s deliverance. “Amituofo” refers to the Buddha’s power to deliver the sentient beings who are taking refuge. The beings’ conviction did not arise by themselves, but is rather a product of the Buddha’s vow to relief suffering permeating into everyone’s heart and thus creating conditions for conviction in taking refuge. Also, the “Namo” of sentient beings’ is a manifestation of Amitabha Buddha’s wholeness. Therefore, the conviction of the sentient beings (Namo), and the delivering Buddha (Amitabha Buddha) come together as a unity. This is called the oneness of aptitude and Dharma. And thus we say “Namo Amituofo”.

When one’s doubt has been completely eradicated, believing with absolute certainty in the deliverance of Amitabha Buddha, and reminiscing about the Buddha and reciting His Name, his or her life will be intertwined with the Buddha’s, and so we call it “coexisting with the Buddha”. This person no longer belongs in the Six Realms or subject to reincarnation, he or she is already a sagely member of the Land of Bliss. Possessing the utmost merits, and receiving the blessings and protections of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas of the Ten Directions. Right away, he or she will be able to transform misfortune into good luck, neutralize disasters, increase blessings and lifespans, and prevent evil spirits from impeding. At the moment of death, no matter what time, place, or under any circumstances, he or she will certainly be reborn in the Land of Bliss.

Amitabha Buddha is the “King of all Buddhas”, and the “most revered of all light”. 

Aparimitayuh Sutra

“Buddha of Infinite Life, Majestic, Illuminous, and the most Honoured, even the Light of all other Buddhas combined cannot compare to His”.

Infinite Life Sutra

The Name of Six Characters is Light

“Namo Amituofo” is the most admired, familiar, and recited Buddha in Buddhism. Although there are Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in ten directions, “Namo Amituofo” is the one most recited by us. Not only do Buddhist practitioners recite this Buddha’s name, non-Buddhists are also aware of Amitabha Buddha. When people are faced with difficulty, or disaster, they unthinkingly blurt out Amituofo. And when this Buddha’s name is chanted, incredibly, the danger and risks before us would be resolved even without us being aware of it.

In Taiwan, this “Namo Amituofo” name of six characters is often posted on many power poles by the sides of the roads, which have had a history of traffic accidents. Some even have a statue of the Buddha erected. This would arise in people the desire to respect, admire, and prostrate before the Buddha. Because of this, the number of accidents decrease or even disappear in these areas. This is because the name of six characters is the Light itself. Any place which has this Name of Six Characters, will be illuminated by the Buddha’s light. Although we ordinary people can’t see these light with our own eyes; those who have psychic power, or who are spiritual beings can see it. As long as they are in the presence of the light of the Buddha, their suffering and bad karma will be eliminated, and any karmic grievances among them will be resolved. Therefore, the traffic accidents decreased. At the same time, these passer-bys, when they see the Buddha’s name, though they did not recite Buddha’s name out loud, in their mind they have spontaneously recited the Buddha’s Name once. Once the Buddha’s name is recited, it will immediately eliminate the bad karma. As the saying goes, “Recite Amituofo once, and blessings increase immeasurably. Prostrate before the Buddha once, and countless sins will be eliminated”. Therefore when we think about the Buddha in our hearts, or chant the Buddha’s name out loud, it will eliminate our misfortunes, and increase our merits. 

Buddha of Infinite Life, Majestic, Illuminous, and the most Honoured

In Buddhism, even though there are many Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in the ten directions, only Amitabha Buddha is the most respected and admired. In Infinite Life Sutra, Sakymuni Buddha praised, and commended Amitabha Buddha’s merits (Infinite life Buddha) with the utmost respect:

Buddha of Infinite Life, Majestic, Illuminous, and the most Honoured, even the Light of all other Buddhas combined cannot compare to His

The “Majestic” here refers to compassion, wisdom, vow powers, supernatural powers, cultivational attainments, as well as the ability to deliver all sentient beings. In Buddhist terminology, it is called the virtuous attainments and achievements of Three Illuminations and Six Supernatural Powers, Ten Strengths, and Four Fearlessnesses. 

“Illuminous” refers to the Buddha’s wisdom. Wisdom is the foundation of illumination; wisdom is formless, it materializes in the form of light, and functions through illumination. Since Amitabha Buddha’s majestic illumination is unparalleled, doesn’t that mean that all the other Buddhas’ light are not as bright? It is true. There are numerous Buddhas from the ten directions Their illumination cannot be compared, attained, projected, nor conceived in terms of Amitabha Buddha’s illumination. We have just mentioned that illumination is wisdom. Amitabha Buddha’s wisdom is beyond the reach of the Buddhas of the ten directions. Even a Buddha is unable to deduce Amitabha Buddha’s depth of wisdom and power. Therefore, on one hand, we know that Amitabha Buddha’s benevolence, auspiciousness, and supremacy is so great that even other Buddhas cannot conceive. On the other hand, what we explain here today the meaning of “Namo Amituofo”, the name of Six Characters, is based merely on what we, the ordinary people, could comprehend. The true nature, function, and meaning of “Namo Amituofo” will have to wait until we are reborn in the Western Land of Bliss. At that time, we will realize it completely and naturally without seeking.

In the Aparamitayuh Sutra, Sakymuni Buddha had more specifically praised Amituofo as:

Amitabha Buddha is the “King of all Buddhas”, and the “most revered of all light” 

A “King” is in relation to his subjects. If Amitabha Buddha is the king of ten directions , then the Buddhas of all ten directions are Amitabha Buddha’s subjects. Normally, all Buddhas are equal. But, even though their Buddhahood is the same, Amitabha is situated at the position of King. Take for example, a president and his citizens. Even though their human worth is equal, their positions are not.

Details of these accounts are recorded in the Infinite Life Sutra, but due to time constraints we are not able to cover all the explanations today. If the opportunity arises, you can study and research the Infinite Life Sutra in order to understand it yourself. 

Amitabha Buddha is the King of all Buddhas, the most revered of all light. The Buddhas and Bodhisattvas of the Ten Directions also have their own light. Even we ordinary people have our own light. But Amitabha Buddha’s brightness has reached the pinnacle of all the Buddhas. Therefore, it is called “the most revered/exalted of all light”. To sum it up, this expresses Shakyamuni Buddha’s highest respect to Amitabha Buddha. If Amitabha Buddha does not have such substance that is unique, preeminent, and deserving of respect, Sakyamuni Buddha would not be making such wild claims. Therefore, since Sakyamuni Buddha is respecting and praising Amitabha Buddha greatly, we should believe in it.

Let’s recite the words on the Buddha card, which I have just recited once, then I will explain them sentence by sentence. Contents in the Buddha Card have been divided into several sections. The first section is:

Namo Amituofo” is a transliteration from Sanskrit into Mandarin Chinese. It connects ”Nam”, “Amituo”, and “Fo”, a combination of three words.

“Namo Amituofo” has a total of six characters. They are transliterated from the Indian language. They are composed of “Namo”, two characters, “Amituo”, three characters, and “Fo”, one character. 

Namo is Entrusting our Life

The second section is: 

Namo” means “entrusting our life”, or “faith and acceptance”. It also means to wipe out all doubt, totally trusting in the Buddha’s salvation.

“Namo” is “entrusting our life”, it is usually explained as taking refuge. It also means returning and relying. When we chant Namo Shakyamuni Buddha, Namo Guan Shi Yin Bodhisattva, or Namo Buddha, Namo Dharma, Namo Sangha, they all have a meaning of reliance. Then why do we use “Namo” to mean “entrusting our life”, or “faith and acceptance”? Of course, “entrusting our life” also has the meaning of relying. But it has a deeper and more personal meaning in it. When we chant “Namo Amituofo”, the meaning of this “Namo” is slightly different from our chanting of Shakyamuni Buddha, Namo Other Buddhas, or Namo Other Bodhisattvas. The meaning of “Namo” is “entrusting our life”. 

Amitabha Buddha’s Order in Calling All Sentient Beings to Return

“Entrusting our life” has two different levels of meaning: one explained from the Amitabha Buddha’s point of view, and the other from our point of view. From the Amitabha Buddha’s point of view, it is an order given to us by Amitabha Buddha. What order has Amitabha Buddha given to us? It is the order which requests us, calling out to us to let Him deliver us to His Land of Bliss. This is called “entrusting our life. It is also the order to return. Amitabha Buddha built the Land of Bliss for us. Saved accumulated merits to go to the Land of Bliss from Saha world for us. All of these were embedded in the Name of Six Characters. Amitabha Buddha called us to let Him deliver us to the Land of Bliss. The content of this calling is the order from Amitabha Buddha asking us to return. 

Why do we say it is an order? Because a Buddha’s words are always the truth, they can’t be changed. Just like the words from a king are imperial decrees, they can’t be disobeyed. Therefore, we use the king’s order as an analogy for Amitabha Buddha’s calling to deliver us. Just like a child who was homeless since he was born, living the life of a stray outside. Suffering from the cold and hunger, hardships and difficulties. No parent could bear this situation, and they will continuously call the child to come home. This is the same situation for Amitabha Buddha. With His compassion and wisdom, He saw that sentient beings from the Ten Directions are wandering through the Six Realms and Three Domains, continuing to commit crimes and bad karma, in suffering and misery. 

Although many sentient beings are aware that reincarnation is to create bad karma and to suffer. One must leave from the reincarnation in the Six realms and Three Domains. Just like what I have said yesterday, those who have a deep sense of impermanence know to search for the exit and liberation, and to pursue the returning of their original life. Every one of us has Buddha’s nature in our original life. We can all become Buddhas. But we are stuck reincarnating in the Six Realms without even realizing that we are in it. Among us sentient beings of the Ten Directions, there are people who understand the suffering of reincarnation and that it was the result of bad karma, and wish to search for liberation. Although they are mindful to cultivate, they do not have the power. For instance, just as we know, that the evils of greed, anger, and ignorance is the cause, and reincarnation is the effect. One must get rid of, overcome, and eliminate greed, anger and ignorance. We can be liberated only after we have transformed greed, anger, and ignorance into Buddha nature. Even if we have such an intention, we do not have the ability. 

Every day we recite the Four Great Vows to be mindful of Bodhicitta, and repent before the Buddha. At the same time that we recite Sutras and prostate to Buddhas, our mind is still filled with greed, anger, and ignorance. We are unable to get rid of them still. Right after we finished chanting “I vow to deliver the boundless sentient beings”, we go out shopping, and immediately revert to our picky selves, haggling and negotiating prices, trying to take advantage of other people. We know that greed, anger, and ignorance are bad and that we should repent for it. However, when we are praised by others, we become overjoyed. But when we encounter criticism, we have hard feelings; when we are insulted, we might become enraged, and might even feel hatred. It can be said that greed, anger, and ignorance are very difficult to overcome. We have the intention to tame it but are powerless before our base natures. In His wisdom, Amitabha Buddha understands us completely.  He wants to deliver us to the Land of Bliss with compassion, because it is very difficult to become a Buddha in the Saha world. Therefore Amitabha Buddha made vows for us, calling us to be delivered to the Land of Bliss, our home land. Therefore, the deliverance and calling by Amitabha Buddha means to entrust our life to Him. It is an order to return. This is explained from Amitabha Buddha’s point of view. 

Sentient Beings Comply with Amitabha Buddha’s Order of Deliverance

How about explaining it from our point of view? It means to comply with the order,  and also means following Amitabha Buddha’s order of deliverance. Understanding that Amitabha’s deliverance is true and unchanging, and that if we believe in His deliverance, we will 100% be guaranteed deliverance by Amitabha Buddha and be reborn in the Land of Bliss. This is compliance with the order. To comply with Amitabha’s order is to believe in faith and acceptance from Him. Therefore, when we say “Namo”, we mean to entrust our life with faith and acceptance, to eliminate doubt, and to totally comply with and believe in Amitabha Buddha’s deliverance.

When we first hear about this Dharma, we will have doubt, have a question mark. Is it true? Can it be so easy and effortless? [inexpensive?] Could it be a deception/hoax? Because ordinary people have already built in greed, anger, and ignorance, they always have a doubt first. If things are not important to us, doubt or not doesn’t matter. But when things become more important, we will feel the need to check it out. It is so called (just in case). Amitabha Buddha to save us is so important, we will always question if it is true or fake. “Namo” means trust, it also means completely without doubt. Totally trusted in being saved by Amitabha Buddha. This is what Namo Amitabha Buddha’s “Namo means.”

This is to say that when we recite Namo Amituofo, our feelings will be different from reciting Namo other Buddha, or other Bodhisattva. It is because other Buddhas or Bodhisattvas are not like Amitabha Buddha who has established the Land of Bliss and calls us to be delivered by Him for sure. Therefore, our feeling will be different in reciting namo other Buddha or Bodhisattva from that of reciting Namo Amitabha Buddha.

Amitabha Buddha Infinite Life

The three characters “Amituo” mean “infinite”. It also indicates that Amitabha Buddha has infinite meritorious power. Of course, the Buddha’s merit has no limit nor boundary and the infinite meritorious power of Amitabha Buddha is represented by infinite life and infinite light. Therefore, Amitabha Buddha is also called the ”Infinite Life Buddha” or  the “Infinite Light Buddha”. “Fo” means the awakened one, who can awaken self and others. It means he can deliver himself as well as the others. The endless and unlimited life of Amitabha Buddha transcends time and is omnipresent. So, He is named the infinite Life Buddha. 

This infinite life has a special connotation that Amitabha Buddha wants to deliver all sentient beings at any time. If Amitabha Budha’s life is limited–take Sakyamuni Buddha for instance, his lifespan in this Saha world is eighty years. After eighty years, Sakymuni Buddha went to Nirvana. So now is the time of no Buddha. The Saha World has no Sakyamuni Buddha and the future Buddha, Maitreya Buddha is still in Tushita and has not yet become a Buddha. Therefore, we can say that Sakyamuni Buddha is a Buddha of the past and Tushita is a Buddha of the future. Amitabha Buddha, however, is a Buddha who exists forever. This means that his existence transcends the time of the past, the present, and the future, of which the purpose is to deliver all sentient beings at any time. Sentient beings who were born in the past and believed in Amitabha Buddha’s deliverance had already attained rebirth in the Land of Bliss. Sentient beings who were born in the present time and believe in Amitabha Buddha’s deliverance will attain rebirth in the Land of Bliss in this lifetime. For those who have not had the opportunity to believe in and accept the deliverance will do so in the future and attain rebirth and buddhahood in the Land of Bliss. This is to say that Amitabha Buddha delivered sentient beings in the past, the present, and the future will never change. Therefore, Amitabha Buddha is also called Infinite Life Buddha – infinite lifespan. 

Infinite Light of Amitabha Buddha

Furthermore, Amitabha Buddha’s light is unlimited and without boundary. It shines through infinite worlds in the universe and  delivers sentient beings in any direction. The Light of Amitabha Buddha is his body and life as the function to deliver sentient beings. Given that the light coming from Amitabha Buddha’s body has no limit, boundary, or limitations, and it shines through unlimited worlds in the universe, this means that Amitabha Buddha is omnipresent. There is no place in the universe in which Amitabha Buddha doesn’t exist: on our Earth, in this country New Zealand, in this city Auckland, and even at the location of each of you, our Dharma friends who are listening on the radio, Amitabha Buddha is there. It can also be said that the existence of Amitabha Buddha permeates all of space in the Dharma realms. The expansiveness of Amitabha Buddha is not limited by His size at all. He is so big that there is no space that exists outside the bounds of His body. He is so small that there is nothing smaller which is not inside of Amitabha Buddha’s body. Therefore, Amitabha Buddha’s light has no limit and no boundary. At the same time in terms of spatial dimensions, He delivers sentient beings no matter where they are. It doesn’t matter whether one was born in Hong Kong, immigrated to Auckland, born in mainland China, Taiwan, Asia, U.S.A., Europe, or Africa. Amitabha Buddha will be there to deliver them. There is no difference, whether one is a Buddhist, Muslim, Christian, or Atheist, Amitabha Buddha will be on his/her side, and ready to deliver him when opportunity comes. 

The Land of Bliss is so Wide, There are no Borders

Amitabha Buddha is the Leader of the Western Land of Bliss. It sounds like Western Land of Bliss is in the west. Just as it stated in the Amitabha Sutra: 

Passing from here through hundreds of thousands of millions of Buddhalands to the West, there is a world called Ultimate Bliss.

Looks like there is a direction, and is limited in the west side. But in reality, this is a limited convenient way for us normal people to understand. There are other sutras which talk about the Land of Bliss as follows:

It is ultimately like space, vast and without bounds.

(p. 32) It also means that the Land of Bliss is the same as Amitabha Buddha’s light, permeating all the space in the Dharma realms. The Land of Bliss is so expansive that it includes the universe. Even the universe has a range and a boundary. The Land of Bliss has no range. Amitabha Buddha is the leader of the Land of Bliss. He is also the savior of the all sentient beings in the Ten Directions. It was stated In the Tathagata’s Summon on the Contemplation of the Buddha of Limitless.

Amitabha Buddha is the Dharma King for saving the world.

Christians always say, “Jesus is the Savior”. Whether Jesus is the Savior or not is a different topic. But Amitabha Buddha is the true Savior. He is not only the Savior, but also the King of Saviors. This is how Amitabha Buddha was introduced and exalted by Shakyamuni Buddha.

The Characteristics of Amitabha’s Deliverance of the Sentient Beings

Amitabha Buddha is the Leader of the Western Land of Bliss. He made Vows to deliver every sentient being. The characteristics of the deliverance are: (1) Proactive:  we don’t need to ask for it. (2) Egalitarian: It doesn’t matter whether one is a monastic or a householder, good or wicked. (3) Unconditional: Anyone who has faith in and accept Amitabha Buddha’s deliverance, single-mindedly reciting Amitabha’s name, aspire to rebirth in Amitabha’s Pure Land, and hold such convictions unchanged through life, has already received the deliverance of Amitabha Buddha. This person will have gained a guaranteed status of rebirth (in the Pure Land).

Firstly, proactive deliverance not due to our request: Before uncountable kalpas in the past, Amitabha Buddha has already made vows for the sentient beings, established the Land of Bliss, and cultivated the merits required to deliver sentient beings in the ten directions. At that time, we did not know that he had made the vows for us. While we were reincarnated in hell, or in the realm of hungry ghosts or animals, we did not know that Amitabha Buddha had already made vows to cultivate for us. It just likes parents would protect, raise, and educate their children, proactively, not due to any request. No, from this point of view, Amitabha Buddha is like a parent. He is even more enthusiastic and affectionate than our parents.

Secondly, egalitarian deliverance without discrimination: The Buddha does not distinguish between monastics or householders; whether we are cultivating or not; whether we are good or wicked; Amitabha Buddha’s deliverance does not consider such differences. The Buddha treats friends and enemies equally. In other words, to a Buddha, there are no marks of self, no marks of others, no marks of living beings, and no marks of beings with a life span. There is no such notion of discrimination where: if you are a high monk, I will save you; if you are a person with low aptitude and have not accumulated any good merit in your entire life, I will not save you. 

Thirdly, unconditional deliverance is absolute. This is more inconceivable! Everything usually comes with conditions. Such as, if you want to be a human, you need to practice five precepts; want to go to heaven, you need to practice the Ten Good Deeds; besides, there are some specific conditions for immigration to Auckland. To attain rebirth in the Western Land of Bliss, however, does not require any condition. If you, right this moment, have faith in and accept Amitabha’s deliverance, and aspire to let Amitabha deliver you to the Land of Bliss, and single-mindedly recite his name, you would have already received Amitabha’s deliverance. This is not a result of our ability to cultivate, but rather Amitabha Buddha’s great kindness towards those with whom he has no affinities, and his great compassion towards those with whom he shares the same substance. When we say “great kindness towards those with whom he has no affinities”, the affinity here means the condition. “Towards those with whom he has no affinities” means “great kindness towards those who do not fulfill the conditions”. To deliver those who are not meant to be delivered, this is the greatest kindness. If there is still someone whom the Buddha cannot deliver, then his compassion and wisdom would be limited. It cannot be considered as great. Amitabha’s deliverance is absolutely unconditional great kindness towards those with whom he has no affinities. In fact, Amitabha Buddha has already accomplished his meritorious capacity for delivering us. That is how he became a Buddha.

Therefore, dear Lotus friends of the audience, once we have heard about these Dharmas, believe it right here and now, truly aspire to attain rebirth in the Land of Bliss, and start reciting Amitabha’s name, then I have to congratulate you, as you are no longer a regular mortal of the Saha World, you are already a sagely member of the Land of Bliss!

We will stop here for tonight. Please continue to tune in to the radio tomorrow. Thank you and good night! Namo Amituofo! 

Delivered at the ”Earth Pure Land” program, AM990 Radio Station, Auckland, New Zealand on the Evening of November, 13, 2001.

Link to the Chinese version (《慧淨法師講演集(一)》〈二、六字名號的意義〉 第 14-35頁)