
Pure Land Buddhism: Chronology of Lineage Patriarchs, Works, Key Distinctions and Impacts

PatriarchPeriodNationSignature Works on Pure LandKey DistinctionsImpacts
Nagajuna2nd-3rd CenturyIndiaChapter on the Easy PathDifficult and easy pathPioneer of the Pure Land School
Vasubandhu4th-5th CenturyIndiaTreatise on Rebirth in the Pure LandExclusive five recitations of AmitabhaTreatise regarded as primary text
Tanluan476-542ChinaCommentary on the Treatise on Rebirth in the Pure LandSelf-power and Other-powerDefined the school’s attributes
Daochuo562-645ChinaCollection on the Land of Peace and JoyDistinction of the Path of Sages and the Path of Pure LandDistinguished the school’s path
Shandao613-681ChinaCommentary on the Contemplation SutraDistinction of the Path of Importance and the Path of Great VowsParamount Patriarch of the Pure Land School

Source: 摘自《淨土宗判教史略要》(淨土宗叢書 17)【附一:諸祖紀年、代表著作、判教思想、及其影響】,淨土宗文教基金會出版,2012年二版初刷